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How To Make Your Pet Dog Understand Your True Love

We people absolutely love our pet dogs, we are not afraid to express our love to them. but all toys, comfy beds, treats, and fancy collars can't let our pet dogs know that how special they are to us. But following the above techniques

Things Your Pet Dogs Loves The Most In This World

Well, mostly many pet dog parents in this world want to know what their pet dogs like the most in this world, and they like to provide what they like. actually, most of the pet dogs in this world just like simple things which we pet parents

Dog Language 1

Well, I am a Veterinarian, since i am a vet, many pet parents used to ask me that most of the times their pet dogs are trying to convey some message to them and they couldn’t understand it, as i had treat many dogs with different type of men

Dog Obesity — Control and Prevention

HI Pet Parents Well, Since i am a Veterinarian, Some of the pet parents asked few doubts about preventing and controlling obesity in their dogs, so ill share few valuable points about the prevention and control of obesity in dogs.

Dog Language 2

Well, Many of the pet parents read the article which I wrote last week. The article “Dog Language 1” and how to understand their behaviour and language. Around 97% of people who read that article got impressed and asked me for more articles

Adopt a Dog -Indeed a Good Deed

Well, In this world there are many individuals who want to be kind and helpful to people In one or other ways, even a few want to initiate some good social cause and promote to people and help others. if you are one of the people meant in th

Strange Behaviors Of Dogs

Well, many of the pet parents know that how their pet dogs express their love towards them and the things which their pet dogs love the most in this world. in this article let's see about a few strange behaviors exhibit by our pet dogs.

List of human foods healthy for dogs

Well, we people usually feed our dogs with many commercial pellets, chewing sticks, artificial bones and canned meat chunks, This food can be given to dogs, but we should also know that some of our human foods are also healthy for the dogs.

Anonymous facts harmful for dogs

Nail Trimming Trimming dog’s nails is also a cosmetic chore (similar to that off tail docking and ear cropping). wild dogs, wolves and stray dogs run and walk on hard, rough surfaces on a daily basis and this will slowly and continu

Dog Myths

Frequent Bathing Keeps Dog More Clean Some dog owners love to bathe their dog too often, Over bathing dogs can cause problems in the

How to make your pet cat understand that you love them

Well Pet Cat Parents, in this article ill explain about how to make our pet cat understand that we love them a lot. Its normal thing that we all cat parents love them a lot, but some of them doesn’t know how to express their love to their pe

7 Things Which are Harmful for Dogs

Bathing Your Pet Dogs should be bathed occasionally. But bathing our dog too often when they aren’t actually dirty can dry out their skin, which removes the healthy protective oils that protect them from the environ