How to make your pet cat understand that you love them

Well Pet Cat Parents, in this article ill explain about how to make our pet cat understand that we love them a lot. Its normal thing that we all cat parents love them a lot, but some of them doesn’t know how to express their love to their pet cats, but following the above techniques we can make sure that our pet cats will understand our love a lot more than we express.

Lovely naya

1. Slow Eye Blinking

Pet cats like their pet parents blinking at them, its equal to a human kiss for cats, they show affection by slowly closing and opening their eyes, just imitate them, they will start to understand that we love them, animal experts use this technique to calm down feared cats.

Eye Contact and Blinking

2. Scent Mingling

Cats have scent glands on their cheeks and head, when they rub against us, they are claiming us as their own by leaving their scent on us, we can show them our love by leaning towards them and don’t move away. to initiate it reach our finger towards their nose and let them rub their cheeks along our hand, its a sign of acceptance and love

Naya and Chiku


Same way as humans love massage so does the cats, petting them from head to tail not only feels good but also lowers blood pressure. they prefer rubbing under their cheeks, we can also find health issues of them like matting of fur, lumps, bumps and soars which may need attention.

Massaging Yoru the Persian Cat

4.Let Them Lick

Cats licks themselves to clean them, if they loves you, they will lick you, its equal to a human hug for them, don’t move away when they lick so they understand our love towards them.

Guddu Trying To Lick My Face

5.Vocal Cues

Cats have special meows and cues. if you imitate their sound they will like you, it also make them fell safe, secure and being loved.

6.Interactive Play

Cats are predators, but they don’t use their instinct when kept as a pet in home, provide them with interactive toys, it makes them to exercise their predatory nature. Interactive games can also be used in shy cats to build their confidence. Over active cats needs stimulation and exercise, some cats like puzzled toys and hiding treats, so they can use their nose, paws and body moments to find them.

7.Several Beds

Providing our cats with several places to sleep makes the cat feel that we care about their comfort and happiness, keeping few beds in several places make our cat feel that our space is their space. they can choose to be with people or choose a peaceful place to sleep. many cats like to be in high up, so we can also consider about a tall cut tree roomy bed on top.

8.Hiding Spot

Cats feel safe when they hide in a closed space, cardboard boxes or cat caves can be provided so cat can have a lone time when needed.

9.Personal Space

Cats are territorial animals, they don’t like to be smothered with affection, provide them all the personal space they need.



Cats are extremely clean animals, they spend most of their time self grooming, they also liked to be pampered by humans, brushing them also keep them fur mat free and reduce hair balls by removing excess fur, grooming our cat is similar to massaging and also its very relaxing.

11. Scratching

Scratching objects makes cats to be physically and mentally healthy, they scratch to mark their territory, to exercise and to experience pleasure. they need something other than furniture to scratch, some materials like fabrics is a key to cat happiness, as it feels like tree bark to cats.
